The Motion Picture Association of America has tried to restrict the distribution of DVD previews to judges in film festivals. Illegal copies of movies end up being sold on street corners and made available through online networks just after they are shown in cinemas for the first time. This is due to audience members entering comeras into theatres and recording the film. If the bill becomes law, the maximum sentence for such practices will be five years plus financial damages.
Unauthorised video recording in cinemas is currently a crime in four states and the District of Columbia but it is legal in other states. "The person who puts online copyrighted material which is not legally available to the public should be penalized," said California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein. The law proposal has received strong support from the movie and music industries. They also hope to have permission to explore personal computers to search for illegal material.
Answer the questions:
1. What is the bill against?
2. How do web pirates get illegal copies of movies?
True or False:
1. Film makers lose 3 billion dollars due to illegal copying.
2. Web pirates could be imprisoned and sentenced to pay a sum of money.
3. Video recording in cinemas is illegal all over the United States.
4. The movie and music industries are examining personal computers to find illegal material.
12 comentarios:
hi Carlos I am Beltrán of 2ºA of the night
1. The bill against, The maximum sentence for such practices xill be five years plus financial damages.
2.the web pirates get illegal copies of movies with video cameras recording in cinemas in the premieres of the movies.
3. FALSE it is legal in other states
4. FALSE They also hope to have permission for it
Hi José Manuel, I see you have decided to participate! Everything is OK, except the fist question, you should revise your answer.
See you.
Hi Carlos!
Answer the questions:
1)Internet users who distribute movies before they are sold in shops could face up to five years in prison under a proposed USA bill, that is to say, a plan for a new law
2)This is due to audience members entering comeras into theatres and recording the film
True or False:
3)False,Only in four states and the District of Columbia
4)False,They expect to have permission to explore personal computers
Hi Antonio Jesús! I think you should read the two questions again. Your answers are not exactly proper. Anyway, go on this way!!
Hi Carlos. Let me answer the questions, ok
1ª The first question: Any person who came into the cinemas or theaters with video cameras the maximum sentence for such practices will be five years plus financial damages.
2ºThe get across people who recorded the movie with their cameras and then climb up to the page
3.TRUE.But are also banned in most places and are legal in other
4.Falso.Esta hoping to give it a permit to do so.
Hi Conso!! This text is very difficult for you!! Anyway, you have done it very well. Has anybody helped you?
i´m manuel moreno of 2bach A of the night
1-The bill being proposed is that the making of movies on the internet is punishable by five years in the jail.
2-Illegal copying get the record with video camera in cinemas or the copy was delived in film festivals.
Well done Manuel. Only the second answer is a bit confused, but the rest is very well. Go on this way!!
Hi Carlos!
1.Internet distributes movies before they are sold in shop.
2.They use comeras into theatres and recording the film.
3.False,is legal in four states
3.False,they hope to have permission for it
Hello Carlos I am fco. luis romero de 2º A
1- It´s the Internet users who distribute movies before they are sold in shops could face up to five years in prison
2- The web pirates get illegal copies whit video recording of movies in cinemas
True or false:
1- True
2- True
3- False because it is legal in other states
4- False They also hope to have permission to explore personal computers to search for illegal material.
Very well Francisco. Go on this way!
1.- Put up to 5 years in jail and a fine for the economic losses.
2.- Recording movies in states where it is not making law. Which prohibits recording movies in cinemas.
1.- true
2.- true
3.- false
4.- false
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