Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (Honolulu, 4th August, 1961) is an American politician. He is the elect president of the United States, after occupying the Senator's post for Illinois. In addition, he is the fifth African American legislator in the Senate of the United States, third from the age of Reconstruction. Also he was the first African American candidate of the Democratic Party and he will be the first one in exercising the President post.
He graduated in the University of Columbia and the prestigious Right Harvard Law School, where he was president of the magazine "Harvard Law Review". Later he worked as community organizer and started his career as attorney in Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, before being chosen and serving as Senator for Illinois from 1997 to 2004.
2 comentarios:
Hi; He will be the person that they change the world, many people have puttings your hopes in him, not only he will be mythical for being a black but for being who Has finished with the reign Bush and he will bring peace and prosperity to the world. Regards
Everybody hopes that the new president of the United States makes the changes that the world needs.
Yes, he can! :D
Mercedes Domínguez 2º Bach.D
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