by Antonio Delgado, Elisa M. Lobato, Irene Martín and Miguel Ramírez (2nd Bachillerato C Night)

During the last meeting of the 25th Marcg 2008, organised by the directors of Greenpeace, the
topic of the climatic change and its consequences was proposed again.
First, they spoke about the
incease of temperature in the earth, of vehicles and industries, this causes an increase of the
greenhouse effect, increasing the average temperature to 20
degrees instead of 15 (which is the perfect one).
Apart from the global warming, the climatic change has other effects such as the acid rain, the quantity of clouds and all the rest of elements of the atmospheric system.
The complexity of the problem causes that the only way of solving these changes is by means of the use of
measures that try to arrange the physics of the atmosphere and of the oceans but that has a very limited precision due to the current ignorance of the atmosphere.
In conclusion, we must all act as much as possible to try yo change this, because it is starting to be a very difficult problem to solve, and surely with the help of all we will be able, and if it is not possible to solve, we will try to improve this situation for not destroying our planet. We all should act and try to put this to an end.