For the 2 Bachillerato pupils, a Selectividad text:
The success of this system is highly unexpected. It was introduced by the Mayor, Ken Livingstone, in the face of opposition from business leaders, politicians and a lot of people who just love their cars. Business leaders claimed that their companies would suffer, while politicians said it would unfairly penalise various groups. Even the Government took an attitude of wait and see. Against predictions, private traffic is now down by 20 per cent, while fees and fines provide 130 million pounds each year for improving public transport.
In order to sell this plan to the public, you cannot just introduce it, you have to get people to accept it. If you ask motorists directly, they say no, but if you put it in a package with a reduction in the price of petrol, or in a package including better roads and better public transport, a majority of motorists will support it.
Answer the questions:
1) Why do you think Londoners have changed their minds about cars since they replaced horses in the city?
2) How does this system help the public transport? (Give two reasons)
True or False:
1) If motorists want to drive into London between 7.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., they are charged some money.
2) The Government agreed to support this plan introduced by the Major.
3) In spite of this plan, traffic has not decreased in London.
4) Most motorists will support the plan if it is combined with other measures.
If you don't know the meaning of some word, look at Wordreference, an online dictionary.
When cars first replaced horses in London, everyone was pleased. Thank goodness, the streets would no longer be full of smelly excrements. But Londoners have changed their minds about cars since then. In February 2003, in fact, the city introduced a plan to cut traffic and make it a nicer place to live in. All motorits coming into the capital between 7 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. have to pay a 5 pounds admission free.The success of this system is highly unexpected. It was introduced by the Mayor, Ken Livingstone, in the face of opposition from business leaders, politicians and a lot of people who just love their cars. Business leaders claimed that their companies would suffer, while politicians said it would unfairly penalise various groups. Even the Government took an attitude of wait and see. Against predictions, private traffic is now down by 20 per cent, while fees and fines provide 130 million pounds each year for improving public transport.
In order to sell this plan to the public, you cannot just introduce it, you have to get people to accept it. If you ask motorists directly, they say no, but if you put it in a package with a reduction in the price of petrol, or in a package including better roads and better public transport, a majority of motorists will support it.
Answer the questions:
1) Why do you think Londoners have changed their minds about cars since they replaced horses in the city?
2) How does this system help the public transport? (Give two reasons)
True or False:
1) If motorists want to drive into London between 7.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., they are charged some money.
2) The Government agreed to support this plan introduced by the Major.
3) In spite of this plan, traffic has not decreased in London.
4) Most motorists will support the plan if it is combined with other measures.
If you don't know the meaning of some word, look at Wordreference, an online dictionary.
14 comentarios:
¡Saludos a todos!. Estupendo este blog "pichinglis" (como dicen por Sevilla y Cádiz); espero que les sea útil a tus alumnos.
Verdaderamente el tráfico en Londres es un poco más complicado que en Utrera... ¿Os imagináis todo el mundo conduciendo por la izquierda?...jajajaja.
Yo tuve tal experiencia en Dublín y se pasa muy mal.
hello teacher eh... mucho ingles no se pero algo hay ji emos dado hace poco el pasado simple y el pasado compuesto es muy dificil y casi apruebo el controlme falto poco saludos ex teacher
muchos recuerdos
carlos visita mi blog porfa y me dejas comentarios please
In English, please!!
hello I am francisco luis romero guirao of 2º bachillerato A del nocturno.
1- Because the horses cast excrements and the cars have more advantage.
2- This system did that the public transport increase and it provide 130 millions pounds each year and the people accepted the public transport
1- True
2- False, the goverment took an attitude of wait and see
3- False, traffic decreased in London
4- True
Very wel Francisco!! The first participant.
Only two corrections:
In the first answer, advantage is in plural (advantages).
In the second answer, the beginning sounds strange. I would say: "This system made the public transport increase".
Hi! I'm Juan Antonio Peña Matos
2º BACH. I.E.S Ruiz Gijón.
1.-Because the streets are clean without more excrement.
2.-this sistem is heightening public transport.
-People use public transport
instead of private transport.
-Get money to improve public transport.
1.-True.(lines 5 and 6)
2.-False.Because the text says ``.Even the goverment took an attitud of wait and see´´. (lines 11 and 12)
3.-Flase. The text says that ``private traffic is now down by 20 per cent´´. (lines 12 and 13).
4.-True.(last subparagraph) (of the line 15 to 19)
Welcome Juan Antonio! I hope you get the most of this blog.
The answers are very well. You only have to mind the spelling of the words. And remember that in every sentence in English (except imperatives) must appear a subject.
Go on this way and see you!!
Hello,I´m Anthony(Miranda)2ºA nihgt
Answer the questions:
1)Because the streets are more fair.
2)People accepted the public transport because it encourages companies are already imposes cost.
True or False:
2)False:"Even the Government took an attitude of wait and see"
3)False:"Traffic dropped 20%"
Hi Antonio!! Pleased to see you in my blog.
Everything allright. For the second answer, look at the corrections I've done above ok?
See you!!
1)because the streets would no longer be full of smelly excrements
2)People use public transport
instead of private transport.
Get money to improve public transport.
true or false:
1- true
2- false. because :"Even the Government took an attitude of wait and see"
3- False, traffic decreased in London
4- true
Hello Carlos! I am Ana Román Ramírez. 2ºA BACH.
Answer the questions:
1-Because traffic has increased too much since then.
2-By collecting money from fees and fines and reducing private traffic.
True or False:
3-True.(line 4).
4-False.-the Government took an attitude of wait and see. (line 8).
5-False.-private traffic is now down by 20 per cent (line 9).
6-True.(lines 12-14).
1- Because the horses excrements and the cars have more advantage.
2- People accepted the public transport because it encourages companies are already imposes cost.
i´m manuel moreno
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